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Raja Rammohan Roy | Raja Rammohan Roy UPSC | Rammohan Roy & Brahmo Samaj | Cultural & Social Reforms

Raja Rammohan Roy | Raja Rammohan Roy UPSC | Raja Rammohan Roy and Brahmo Samaj | Raja Rammohan Roy Contribution

  • Raja Rammohan Roy (1772- 1833) was the central figure in the social and cultural awakening in the 19th century.

  • He worked hard all his life for the social, religious, intellectual and political regeneration of his people.

  • He was a great scholar who represented a synthesis of both the Eastern and the Western thought.

  • Raja Rammohan Roy was born in a Brahmin family of Bengal in 1772.

  • He was a great scholar who knew a number of languages.

  • He was well versed in Sanskrit, Persian, Urdu English besides Bengali.

Social Reforms

  • Rammohan Roy settled in Calcutta in 1814 and started Atmiya Sabha.

  • He opposed idol worship, rigidity of caste and meaning-less religious rituals.

  • He preached monotheism.

  • He applied rational approach to Indian religions and traditions.

  • In 1829, he founded the Brahmo Samaj. This society was based on the town pillars of reason and the Vedas and Upanishads.

  • Rammohan Roy left no aspect of nation-building untouched.

  • He organised a strong opposition of the inhuman custom of sati and in spite of all opposition, he supported Bentinck's action for its abolition.

  • He condemned subjugation of women attacked polygamy and degradation of widows.

  • He demanded that women would be given the right of inheritance and property.

Cultural Activities

  • Rammohan Roy looked upon modern education as a major instrument for the spread of modern ideas in the country.

  • He gave active support to David Hare in the promotion of modern education in India.

  • He maintained, at his own cost, an English school in Calcutta from 1817.

  • In 1825, he established a Vedanta College which offered courses both in Indian learning and western social and physical science.

  • He compiled Bengali grammar, and through translation and pamphlets evolve da modern prose style for Bengali language.

  • His thoughts and actions were guided by the vision of an independent and resurgent India. He was a pioneer of Indian journalism.

  • He brought out journals in different languages to spread scientific, literary and political knowledge and to educate public opinion on topics of current interest.

  • Rammohan Roy was a firm believer in internationalism and cooperation between nations.

Raja Rammohan Roy "Father of Modern India"

  • He left the government job and devoted himself to social and religious reforms.

  • He was the central figure in the awakening of modern lndia.

  • Rammohan Roy was a true champion of women's rights.

  • He stood for equal rights for women.

  • He condemned the inhuman practice of sati.

  • He supported William Bentinck to abolish it in 1829.

  • He stood for widow remarriage, inter-caste marriage and the right of women to property.

  • He worked for women's education, upliftment and marriage, polygamy and the purdah system their all round development.

  • He also opposed child marriage, polygamy and the purdah system.

  • People knew him as a great patriot, humanist and selfless worker.

  • He believed in human dignity and social equality.

  • He derived his ideas from the Vedas, Islam, Christianity and the modern European philosophy.

  • His approach was scientific.

  • lt represented a synthesis of the thought of East and the West.

  • Raja Rammohan Roy stood for the freedom of worship, press and speech.

  • He wanted to modernize the Indian society.

  • He worked hard for the upliftment of the people.

  • He founded the Brahmo Samaj in 1825 to reform the society.

  • Raja Rammohan Roy is rightly called the 'Father or Pioneer of Modern India'.

  • He passed away in England in 1833.

Main Achievements of the Brahmo Samaj

  • Raja Rammohan Roy made a Comparative study of different religions. He derived

  • best in them. He founded the Brahmo Samaj to carry out the reforms.

  • The Brahmo Samaj preached worship of one almighty God. It condemned polytheism, polygamy, meaningless rituals and idol worship.

  • It opposed all types of sacrifices, superstitions, child marriage and the practice of Sati.

  • It criticised the caste system.

  • The Brahmo Samaj asked people to pray and have respect for all religions.

  • Rammohan Roy stood for equal rights for women, inter caste marriage and widow remarriage.

  • He was the chief architect of Hindu renaissance in the 19th century.

Conclusion / Summary

  • He was a great Supporter of modern education through English.

  • He spread western thought of liberty, equality, democracy etc.

  • He was in favor of learning the western literature, education and science.

  • He maintained an English school in Calcutta.

  • He also started a Vedanta College for both the Indian and western learning.

  • He was a pioneer of Indian journalism.

  • He brought out journals in different languages.

  • His am was to spread knowledge and educate public opinion on different subjects.

  • Rammohan Roy supported the cause of freedom everywhere.

  • There was hardly any aspect of nation-building and human life that remained untouched by him.

  • He was truly a universal man.


raja rammohan roy upsc,

raja rammohan roy and brahmo samaj,

raja rammohan roy contribution

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