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Permanent Settlement System | Permanent land Revenue System

Permanent Settlement System

Introduction to Permanent Settlement System

Lord Cornwallis implemented the permanent system in 1793 AD. On the basis of permanent settlement the Zamindars were made the owners of the land. As long as the Zamindars used to give fixed rent to the government, their right to the land was protected.They could be denied their rights if they did not pay the rent.

The farmers had no relationship with the government. By making permanent settlement practical, Cornwallis wanted to create a powerful class of landlords in India who would be interested in the British. By fixing the amount of rent, the British officers were also freed from the hassle of collecting revenue every year.

Lord Cornwallis implemented a permanent system of land revenue collection. Initially this system was implemented for ten years, but in 1793 AD it was converted into a permanent settlement. 19% of British India had this system. Applicable in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh and North Karnataka.

In 1793 AD, Cornwallis implemented a permanent settlement for land revenue management. Two important aspects of land revenue reforms brought out by it came to light: Implement the concept of private property in the land and Permanent settlement system.

Detail About Permanent Settlement System

Initially, Lord Clive continued to recover land revenue through the Indian authorities and retained the traditional structure in the land revenue system. The company used to insist on maximum realization of land revenue from the beginning. Its purpose behind this was to invest a large amount of money received from the collection of land revenue in the purchase of merchandise.

In this system, Zamindars were recognized as landlords. Under this, the Zamindar kept 1 / 11th part of the realization of land revenue from his areas and deposited the remaining part (10 / 11th) with the company. Under this arrangement, a provision was made that after the death of the zamindar, his land would be divided among his heirs like movable property.

Its purpose behind this was to invest a large amount of money received from the collection of land revenue in the purchase of merchandise. Apart from this, the aim of the company was to meet military and other expenses also. Therefore, soon after receiving the Diwani of Bengal, the company increased the amount of land revenue in Bengal.

Nevertheless the company recovers the land revenue only through the Indian authorities. Recovers land revenue. Recovery of land revenue was handled by the British authorities. However, the consequence of this system was that such a dual system gave rise to a kind of corruption and a lot of exploitation of farmers started. The terrible famine of 1769 - 70 AD is seen as the result of this revenue policy of the British.

Landlords benefit from Permanent Settlement System

  • Landlords benefited the most from the permanent settlement. He became the real owner of the land and this right was hereditary.

  • This class began to cooperate in strengthening the root of the British Empire in India. On the other hand, due to permanent ownership of the land, they started taking interest in agricultural development work, which led to an increase in production.

  • With the increase in the production, the landlords started getting more profit.

Company benefit from Permanent Settlement System

  • The company also started getting a fixed income every year.

  • He focused his attention on increasing administrative capacity. Also, by not appointing employees to collect the rent, the money was saved.

  • The company benefited greatly due to the growth of industries and increase in production.

Bad results of Permanent Settlement System

  • The Permanent Settlement also led to many bad results. In the permanent settlement there was agreement between the Zamindar and the company and the farmers were left at the mercy of the Zamindar .

  • The Zamindar started ruthlessly exploiting the farmers. The farmers had no rights over the land, they only worked on the land. Due to this new system, farmers went on getting poorer by the day.

  • Poor farmers had no legal protection to protect their rights.The gap of economic exploitation and social inequality in the society continued to grow. The Zamindar became rich by exploiting the farmers and the impoverishment of the farmers kept increasing.

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