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Updated: Aug 4, 2020


Father of Botany is called Theophrastus. Theophrastus first divided plants into herbs,

shrubs and trees based on their nature and size. He has described 480 plants in his book Historia plantarum. Carolus Linnaeus in his book (Genera plantarum) in 1737 classified all plants into 24 classes. He divided all floral plants into 23 squares and placed all those plants without flowers in 24 class Cryptogamia. They classified flowering plants based on the number of stamens found in flowers, thus presenting the sexual system of plant taxonomy for the first time. Due to this achievement, Carolus Linnaeus is called the father of modern taxonomy. Eichler in 1883 divided the entire plant world into two major parts.

1. Cryptogamia-

In Cryptogamia, low-grade plants are placed in which flowers and seeds are not produced.

Subdivisions of Cryptogamia-

A. Thalaphyta

(Class of thalaphyta)

a. Algae

b. Fungi

c. Bacteria

d. Lichen

B. Bryophyta

(Class of Bryophyta)

a. Liverworts

b. Moses

C. Pteridophyta

(Class of Pteridophyta)

a. Psilopsida

b. Mycopsida

c. Sphinopsida

d. Teropsida

2. Phanerogamia -

Phanerogamia has high-grade plants. In which flowers and seeds are produced. In this way, cryptogamia is called flowering and seedless plant and phanerogemia is called flowering or seedling plant.

Subdivision of Phenerogemia

A. Gymnosperm

Gymnosperm classes -

a. Psychedus

b. Conif

c. Nitels

B. Angiosperm

Class of angiosperms

a. Monocot

b. Dicot

Types of classification -

Many methods of classification have been presented by scientists till date. That classification made by various scientists can be divided into the following three categories.

1. Artificial methods

2. Natural Systems

3. Phylogenetic Systems

1. Artificial Systems

In this method, Groups and Sub-groups are formed based on one or more characteristics of the plant. And under it are categorizations of Theophrastus, Brune Fells and Carolus Linnaeus.

2. Natural Systems

Natural method was first classified by AW Eichler in 1883. This method forms the basis of all the important characteristics of plants for the classification of plants. The floral structure of plants. And groups and subgroups are formed on the basis of equality in reproduction.

3. Phylogenetic Systems

In the phylogenetic system, groups or sub-groups are formed based on the evolution of plant evolution, genetic traits, relationship of hereditary characters and reproductive traits, based on the latest research in all branches of plant genetics.

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